3 Things West Papuans Can Do To Face Climate Change as Part of Their Environmental Development in West Papua

Climate Change Climate change has been a serious issue for decades. Greta Thunberg, a young Swedish activist, has started reminding and warning all government officials around the world to take it more seriously. She has gathered many students to cut school for a day for a street rally. Many others have been doing plenty for climate change awareness. How about Indonesia? To be more precise, how is it going with the environmental development in West Papua , their youngest province? The 2015 Paris Climate Change As part of the 2015 Paris Climate Change, one of Indonesia’s long-term commitment to the environment is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to 41%. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on climate change had addressed their concern. They elaborated that if the accession of global warming rose over 1.5 C, there would be greater risks, such as: · Extreme drought. · Massive floods. · ...